Smooth Solutions for Every Mine Manager: Reliable Pre-Driven Recovery Roadways
Longwall operations implement PDRRs to realise safety and productivity benefits
PDRRs involve:
Development of an additional roadway (single or double pass) at the LW take-off
Installation of secondary support and pressure-rated shutters along the roadway and affected intersections
Fully backfilling the PDRR with a specifically designed low-strength cementitious grout delivered via borehole/s.
LW shearing into the grout-filled PDRR at close to full production rates and is recovered from within the supported roadway.
The advantages of a PDRR are:
Reduce personnel exposure to bolting unsupported ground
Faster LW critical approach
Quicker recovery time
Achieve PIC at an accelerated rate
Increases production up to 10-20 days
Advantages & mitigation strategies for weak roof & floor recoveries
For more information, see the 2016 paper “The Evolution of Pre-driven Recovery Roadways at Crinum Mine”.
Over 100 full or partial pre-driven recovery roads have been used in the US, Australian and South African underground coal mines (Thomas, 2008). In every case of recorded failure, standing supports were utilised. There are no recordings of a failed fully grout-filled PDRR.
Our past Pre-Driven Recovery Roadways Jobs